The White Wall
£130 per month from Easter to October
£105 per month from November to Easter
17.7 ft/5.4m long and 8ft/2.4m high
(Typically takes 8 50x40 frames)
Small Wall
£35 per month
2.2m (90" or 7'6") High and 1.75m (69" or 5'9") wide
The Flint Wall
£150 per month from Easter to October
£125 per month from November to Easter
26ft / 7.92m and 81/4ft / 2.5m high
(Typically takes between 10 or 12 50x40 frames)
The A-Frame
We now have a fourth guest exhibition space, our 'A' Frame.
Suitable for all manner of 2D or 3D work
£35 per month.

Download an exhibitors agreement form here