An exhibition by Claire Hamburger.

Look up. Have you ever truly listened to what the sky whispers, roars, or serenades? This exhibition invites you to do just that.

"What the Sky Says" is a collection of paintings that capture the vast and ever-changing canvas above us. Each artist acts as a translator, interpreting the sky's moods and messages through their unique vision. Here, you'll find fiery sunsets ablaze with possibility, tranquil dawns cradling new beginnings, and storm-wracked skies brimming with raw emotion.

As you wander through the exhibit, let the colours become your guide. Feel the warmth of a sun-drenched landscape, or the quiet contemplation of a starlit night. Perhaps you'll find a reflection of your own inner world in the swirling brushstrokes.

So, take a deep breath, lift your gaze, and prepare to be captivated by "What the Sky Says."

In a world obsessed with curated feeds and manufactured connections, Beyond the Image Gallery peels back the veneer with "Antisocial." This member's exhibition dives deep into the complexities of human interaction, exploring the spectrum of experiences beyond the like button.

Prepare to be challenged. "Antisocial" isn't about glorifying isolation, but about confronting the uncomfortable truths that lurk beneath the surface of our hyper-connected society. Through a diverse range of artistic mediums, our members will explore themes of loneliness, alienation, rebellion, and the longing for authentic connection.

Expect the unexpected. "Antisocial" will showcase a variety of artistic voices, each offering a unique perspective on what it means to be human in a digital age.

This exhibition is more than just art; it's a conversation starter. We invite you to engage with the works, challenge your assumptions, and explore the complexities of social interaction in a world saturated with simulated connection.

Join us as we venture Beyond the Image.

Upcoming Exhibitions. Details to follow.

Small Wall August, Issy Fountain.

Small Wall. September, Samantha Jones.