John Thompson ARPS

I have always had a passion for photography and strive to create images that bridge the gap between photography and art. Photographs that are not just a record but show a spirit of the subject and fire the imagination of the viewer. My work includes a range of subjects and techniques and I am always seeking to create new and different images. I exhibit regularly in art and photography exhibitions.


Gwyn Bilby

Paintings and images should challenge the way you think. It’s not about how sharp they are it’s more about how they make you feel and what you see in them.
Because everyone sees things differently.


Patrick Foster MA

My work cannot be categorised as a specific style or genre, it often blurs the borders between landscape and still-life.

My animal photographs are not natural history pictures, they are portraits of living creatures, and they show an intimate and sometimes vulnerable side of their personalities.

I see the world differently from other people.

I am always stopping to look at light and shadow I don't restrict myself to one genre or style of photography.

I simply photograph what's in front of me.


Mike Heath.

I first dabbled with photography back in the early 70’s when I had a Zorki 4K rangefinder camera and a Zenith UPA-5 enlarger. I was surprised when one of my slides received a “highly commended” in the North London Exhibition of Pictorial Photography. A change in circumstances meant my photography was put on hold until my interest was rekindled when I bought my first DSLR to enable me to take some reasonable photos on a trip to South Africa. That trip has inspired me to develop my skills with the camera and then with editing software to make the most of my images. At present I don’t focus on any particular style or genre, I just take what catches my eye! It’s an exciting ongoing process which I hope to continue for a long time.


Simon Bendall

As a child I had always wanted a camera. When I was sixteen I used my first wage packet to buy a 35mm camera and since then I have always had a camera by my side to capture that special moment. I mainly enjoy taking landscape photographs, particularly in and around where I live in Bury St Edmunds. Someone once said to me ‘How do you know what to take?’ I said, ‘It’s all there you just have to see it!’”


Yoshi Shinagawa-Turner

My first camera, a Pentax ME, was a present from my father and I still have it today. I explore transitory spaces with my camera, the scenes I perceive and eventually visualise, appear to me in the abstract form. My work does not try to capture known or recognisable imagery In my daily life, I appreciate being able to capture ephemeral moments, moments, that are fleeting and all real.


Shelley Eve BA (Hons)

I’m Shelley, a former rhino keeper with a huge passion for photographing nature. My more recent work, following the Brown Hare in Suffolk, involves me stepping into an area I’ve previously failed at. I have the grace and poise of a rhinoceros on speed. But through perseverance and many failures I managed to hone my skills and have been rewarded with some amazing encounters. Stealth like creeping, hours sitting in a ditch unable to move an inch, at times being bittern by the passing local bugs, comfortable it is not, but it heals the soul and brings joy to my heart.


Gemma Hill

I have always enjoyed photography, but my journey with my camera started in earnest about 10 years ago when I bought my first DSLR and challenged myself to learn how to use it by taking a photo a day for a year without using the automatic settings. It was a very steep learning curve! Since then I have continued to challenge myself to learn new techniques and develop the way I create images. I enjoy photographing a wide range of subjects, but I have a real love for my four-legged friends, especially the equine and canine variety.



Mick Mansfield CPAGB BPE 2*


My journey into photography started in 1975 when I got my first camera, a Zenit E.  During the early 80’s, photography took a back seat and it wasn’t until I got my next camera, a Pentax SLR, that I started again, in those days It was mainly about taking photographs of family and places that we visited.


Over the coming years I progressed and got better, so by the time the digital age came about I had a good understanding of photography, although I am still on a learning curve to this day.


My main subject area is Military Aircraft, having served 22 years in the Royal Air Force, I am a regular attendee at various Airshows, museums etc. around the country. I have ventured into other genres and always ready to try something that bit different and if given a task will try to do it to the best of my ability.


I have been a member of the Bury St Edmunds Photographic Society (BSEPS) for the last 5 years. It is through the Club that I gained my Credit Award of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (CPAGB), which I am very proud of.